Yang Shi 石钖
Graduate student at UCIrvine
I am a fifth year PhD Candidate in University of California, Irvine. I am major in EE. But I have a wide range of interests! I used to study information theory and networks, circuits design, and devices--super-capacitors. Now I am focusing on Machine Learning related topics--a lot of statistics and optimization and also applications such as computer vision. I am also interested in high performance computing.
Internship at Amazon AWS
2017.01 - 2017.12
I am working at Amazon AWS AI team in Palo Alto. I am contributing to MXNET framework: creating custom operators in MXNET with GPU support. Besides that, I am working on Visual Question Answering tasks with tensor techniques.
Internship at Sinolink Securities
2016.08 - 2016.09
I was working at Sinolink Securities in Shanghai. Some tasks I did are: selecting good and efficient factors of the stocks; choosing best stock combinations from stock pool to gain better performace compared to benchmarks.
Graduate Student Researcher at UCI
2014.12 - Present
I am working in the MEGADatA lab with Prof. Anima Anandkumar. Focusing on Machine learning, especially applications using Tensor method.
Internship at China Mobile
2014.07 - 2014.08
I was working at China Mobile Research Lab in Beijing. Some tasks I did are: Create math model for transportation of audio through different protocals such as TCP, UDP, TCP-RTM and find the strong corelation influence factors to MOS(mean opinion score). Test the influence of the queue length, packet size and so on to the forwarding latency of the typical access switch.
Researcher at UPENN
2013.5 - 2014.05
I was working with Prof. Jorge Santiago-Aviles at UPenn, Philadelphia. I finished my master thesis on investigation of the performance of super capacitor using different electrolytes and carbon materials.
Teaching Asistant at UPENN
2013 - 2014
I was TA for TCOM500 "Introduction to Networks and Protocols" and ESE218 "Physics and Models of Semiconductor Devices"
Github: shiyangdaisy23
University of California, Irvine
2014 - present
I'm persuing my PhD degree at UCIrvine now.
University of Pennsylvania
2012 - 2014
I finished my master degree in Electrical Engineering at University of Pennsylvania.
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
2008 - 2012
I finished my undergrad study in Electrical Information Engineering at NJUST.